We should eat clay

All women know that a clay mask re-equilibrates and gives tone to sensitive and intolerant skin. But one often forgets that this age-old treasure can have a number of other benefits. Make yourself a poultice, and it will soothe your aching joints, or lower a fever. Also, don’t hesitate to regularly drink some, to purify and drain your body.

Internal Use


  • Green clay powder, spring water.

Clayey water, the first ten days
In the evening, dilute one teaspoon of clay powder in half a glass of water.
Stir well and let it sit during the night.
The following morning, drink the water on an empty stomach, leaving the clay which will be left on the bottom of the glass.

  • Clay water, the following ten days:

In the evening, dilute one teaspoon of clay powder in half a glass of water.
Stir well and let it sit during the night.
The following morning, stir it again, and drink all the contents of the glass, on an empty stomach.
Finish the treatment by doing one or two days of Clayey water again.

External Usage

Purifying dandelion and clay mask

Ingredients for the paste:

  • 3 dandelion stalks
  • 3 tablespoons of powdered clay (green for normal or oily skin, white for dry or sensitive skin, pink for hyper-sensitive skin.)

Wash the dandelion leaves and juice them in a juicer, with the goal of obtaining about three tablespoons of juice.
Add powdered clay until the paste has a creamy consistency.
Apply to a clean face, and let it rest for ten minutes.
Rince it off in warm water, and hydrate yourself.

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